Friday, April 6, 2007

Cheney and Criticism; Panel Discussion on Cheney and the War

There's a story on BYU's newsnet site that talks about a Q&A with Pres. Samuelson that was recently held. Not surprisingly, the topic of Cheney's visit came up, directly and indirectly. I was interested in the following:

One question prompted President Samuelson to clarify the appropriateness of criticizing university decisions.

Students commit, by signing the Honor Code, not to criticize those we sustain as prophets, seers and revelators, he said. But, he further explained, this doesn't mean students can't disagree with the administration.

"I think you need to understand that you can criticize the administration; that does happen regularly," he said.

Draw your own conclusions on that.

As an FYI, another story I read today says that there will be a panel discussion on Monday on “Vice President Cheney and the Global War on Terror” in the Varsity Theater from 2 to 3:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend if interested.

The story I read says the following:

Each panelist will present a short statement, to be followed by panel discussion. After the panel speaks, the floor will be open for audience questions.

Jeff Ringer, director of the David M. Kennedy Center, will moderate the panel. Joining him will be Darren G. Hawkins, international relations coordinator; Donna Lee Bowen, Middle East Studies/Arabic coordinator; Ralph C. Hancock; and Scott Cooper.


  1. The panel discussion sounds interesting. I'm bummed I won't be on campus that day!

  2. In regard the point of criticism of leaders.
    I find the mention or fear of criticism a little extreme at times, within the church. Even that can be taken as a criticism. But I think there is a difference between constructive criticism and just being critical. To mention things that you feel need improvement in the hope that others will take up the thought, I feel is positive. I am prepared to accept and say that GAs make mistakes.

    Does this mean that I don't like them? Of course not. Does it suggest that I feel myself superior? No. Does it suggest that I'm on the verge of apostacy? For that to be the case the church would have to be the church of GAs. It means that I am prepared to say that all's not well in Zion and these are some areas I feel need fixing, what say ye?

    If I'm wrong, and that can be demonstrated then it is to my advantage to find this out. If I am right then that can also be an advantage if said and acted upon.

  3. OK, Doug, my answer comes in a post, because the quotes made it too long. :)

  4. Donna Lee Bowen is very cool. I met her several times in Morocco.
