Thursday, May 8, 2008

Clarifications about the Catholic church's restrictions on records

This story is interesting. At least according to this story, the restrictions appear to be less about doctrinal issues and more about privacy concerns.

The Vatican, Bishop Wester says, is simply reminding parishes not to take large numbers of records and hand them over to anyone, but he says it should be OK for specific family requests.

I also appreciated the sense of friendship between the two churches that comes through in the story.

This creates a totally different feeling about the recent decision than the initial stories did.


  1. I sure hope there is not active restrictions based solely on religion. Both sides have worked too hard to see this happen now.

  2. papa d,
    Sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I agree with you that the relationship between the two churches has been so positive, as a result of a lot of effort -- so I, too, hope that this won't make things go sour.
